We are champions for New Zealand's bookkeeping professionals!

The Institute of Certified NZ Bookkeepers is a Not-for-Profit Incorporated Society whose mission is to empower bookkeepers to be trusted and valued business professionals.

In order for us to deliver on our mission, as an organisation we have a strong focus on:

  • Building greater credibility so New Zealander's have confidence and trust in the work that our members perform;
  • Growing stronger influence with government and industry so we can shape and form the agenda to advocate on key issues;
  • Supporting and encouraging our members to model best practice and continually invest in their professional development;
  • Generating greater public recognition for the fundamental contribution bookkeepers make to business; and
  • Advancing and protecting the long-term interests of the Association throughout New Zealand.

At the forefront of all decisions are our members.  We actively seek opportunities that will not only be of benefit to the bookkeeping profession as a whole, but will be beneficial to our members. 

Empowering Bookkeepers as trusted and valued professionals, driving industry standards, advocating for the profession and nurturing a supportive community.


Be the leading professional body for all bookkeepers in New Zealand.

  • Integrity:  The compass guiding us to act with honesty, consistency and authenticity, ensuring we earn and maintain the trust of the communities we serve.

  • Excellence: The commitment to maintaining and promoting the highest standards of professional performance and conduct within the field of bookkeeping.

  • Professionalism: Steadfast commitment to operating ethically, enabling credibility and engaging with transparency and trustworthiness.

  • Whanaungatanga:  We value our relationships and foster a sense of belonging within a supportive and inclusive community.


The Legal Stuff

The New Zealand Bookkeepers Association Inc is an incorporated society registered under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908.  The Association, which trades as Institute of Certified NZ Bookkeepers (ICNZB), was registered on 15 July 2010 under society number 2538309.

The association also operate a New Zealand limited company - New Zealand Bookkeepers Limited.  This company was registered on 7 November 2011 under company number 3629931 and NZBN 9429030899346.  The company is 100% owned by the incorporated society and directed by the President and Vice President.