Stand out from the crowd and become a Master!

Everyone strives to be at the top of their profession, and bookkeeping is no exception.  

Master Bookkeeper® membership is the top tier of our membership levels - and it will take time and commitment to get there.  But once you are there - you really will shine.

What defines an ICNZB Master Bookkeeper®?

An ICNZB Master Bookkeeper® is a member who has held ICNZB Certified Bookkeeper membership for 4 years and passed a written assessment which demonstrates their advanced understanding of the principles of bookkeeping.

Master Bookkeepers are tested on their knowledge of the following:

→ Accounting concepts and terminology
→ Payroll and tax types
→ Internal controls and review procedures
→ Balance sheet analysis
→ Profit and loss analysis

You can find out more about the assessment here >

Master Bookkeeper Membership

Being acknowledged as an esteemed industry expert is priceless.

Master Bookkeeper® membership is an honoured class of membership recognising highly experienced professionals who have shown a long term commitment to bookkeeping in New Zealand.

This membership is ideal for those wanting to be recognised for their advanced knowledge of bookkeeping.  

To become an ICNZB Master Bookkeeper®, you must have held ICNZB Certified Bookkepeer Membership for a minimum of 4 years and passed a written assessment. 

Meet the Masters

To recognise our members achievement at reaching this status, and to help them celebrate their new membership level, we sat with down with them to have a chat about their journey to becoming a bookkeeper.

Meet the Masters of Bookkeeping >

Eligibility and ongoing criteria

Eligibility for membership

To be eligible for upgrade to Master Bookkeeper® membership you must:

Ongoing criteria

To maintain your Master Bookkeeper Membership® you will be required to:

Membership fees

The application fee for Master Bookkeeper® membership is $741.75 (GST inclusive) and is payable on application.

The annual renewal fee is $458.85 (GST inclusive) which provides you with 12 months of membership. 

Payment for the application fee and renewal fees can be made via bank deposit or credit card through our online membership portal.

Not sure where to start on your journey to becoming a Certified Bookkeeper?  Let us help walk you through the process with our series of How to guides

Download them here >

When you are first starting a bookkeeping business, it can feel like a slow journey to success. Find out how ICNZB membership helped Sarah Wagteveld speed up this process.

Read more here >

Join one of our monthly network meetings near you! Get to know other Bookkeepers in your region and grow your professional network.

Read them here >