The ICNZB Excellence Awards recognise and celebrate the success of bookkeepers and their businesses; and celebrate the software providers making a bookkeepers role more efficient with their products and services.
The purpose of the ICNZB Excellence Awards is to celebrate amazing bookkeeper feats. They highlight the important role bookkeeping and software providers, play in the New Zealand business environment - from large corporate entities, to SME's to not-for-profit organiations.
This years entries were of a high calibre and demonstrated the significant and positive impact nominees have had on not only their clients, but also their peers. The judges had a difficult task given the remarkable range of successful projects, inspiring people and great partnerships they were considering.
Our finalists, in particular, have demonstrated an incredible range of bookkeeping in Aotearoa, ranging in scale from those offering only traditional bookkeeping services, to those who have been providing additional value add services to their offerings. The impact of Covid-19 was clearly evident as bookkeepers have shown themselves to be adapting and developing more non-traditional services for their clients. The Excellence Awards are a perfect platform to demonstrate how they are pushing the boundaries and delivering value to the back bone of business.
The 2022 Award Categories
The award categories for 2022 have been refined to align with our membership and to focus on the themes that have seen previous winners thrive and become leaders in our industry. These awards offer every bookkeeper and bookkeeping business in New Zealand an invaluable opportunity to raise more awareness of the important work they’re doing to support business in New Zealand and position themselves as the best in the industry when they take home the award in July 2022.
The member award categories for 2022 are:
- Bookkeeper of the Year
- Bookkeeping Business of the Year
- Bookkeeping Trainer of the Year - Gayle Buchanan Memorial Trophy
- Bookkeeping Employee of the Year
- Service to Bookkeeping Award
We also see the return of the categories recognising software providers in 2022 - these categories are for providers who offer a valuable product and service to the bookkeeping community in New Zealand. The winners of these two awards are voted by ICNZB members:
- Bookkeeping Software Solution of the Year
- Payroll Software Solution of the Year
We are pleased to announce the 2022 Excellence Award finalists as follows:
Bookkeeper of the Year:
- Billiejean Rouse (Canterbury)
- Diana Ketel (Hawkes Bay)
- Asami Wisjnuery (Canterbury)
Bookkeeping Business of the Year:
- MyOffice Girl Limited (Canterbury)
- 3rd Arm Admin Ltd (Wellington)
- Bookkeepers NZ Ltd (Hawkes Bay)
Service to Bookkeeping Award:
- Trish Madison (Northland). Nominated for her tireless dedication to helping bookkeepers navigate AML requirements, and representing ICNZB at a Government level.
- Leaine Jones (Hawkes Bay). Nominated for her passion and determination to educate the new wave of bookkeeping professionals in the basics of bookkeeping.
- Chris Mercer (Waikato). Nominated for his extensive advocacy work – in particular being instrumental in the increased recognition for bookkeepers with Government agencies.
Bookkeeping Trainer of the Year – Gayle Buchanan Memorial Trophy:
- Asami Wisjnuery (Canterbury)
- Leaine Jones (Hawkes Bay)
- Billiejean Rouse (Canterbury)
Employee of the Year Award:
- Hasheel Ram from Admin Army (Hawkes Bay)
- Deepika Kumar from Admin Army (Hawkes Bay)
- Ronit Kumar from Admin Army (Hawkes Bay)
Bookkeeping Software Solution of the Year:
Payroll Software Solution of the Year:
Congratulations to all those who entered the awards, and our finalists.
Winners will be announced at the annual Awards and Gala Dinner on Saturday, 30 July 2022 at Rydges Latimer in Christchurch.